Back to school in full swing
Hi again, it’s been a while since I’ve updated our blog! It’s been a total whirlwind here since lockdown began - I’m sure it has for you too. Last time I updated we were in the middle of Frenchicmania! Having 500 tins of paint arriving constantly, huge waiting lists as the country decided to upcycle and make the most of being at home and decorating. We’ve honestly had so much fun seeing everyone’s before and after pictures- it’s amazing the results we’ve seen!
Into July and now August it’s firmly Back to School focused here at Dales, as it is every year- although there are notable differences of course! Most uniforms have been organised during 121 appointments and Joe has seen most of you this year, which I know he’s enjoying and the feedback you’ve been sending in about your experiences has been amazing! We feel so fortunate to have updated the uniform room last year and have a separate entrance, this has made adapting to the new way of doing things that bit easier for us. We are still running appointments from now all the way into September and as with last year, we are offering them 7 days a week and evenings. You don’t of course have to have an appointment to come and buy uniform - you can buy uniform online here with free collection or local delivery and you can just pop down and see us as ever! It’s been a Back to School season like no other before it- with lots of conversation nationally and around the world, about whether children should go back or not, about how children will be protected in schools, what the new temporary normal will look like and all sorts of questions we are all reading about daily. All we know is that we’ve loved seeing you all again, that the children seem as excited as ever to get back to or start new schools (I know mine are!)
This week we are delivering around the village, having appointments and also we have a few really good offers and sales running at the moment- Buy one get one half price on the boutique, Mystery bath blaster boxes for £12 and a brilliant clearance sale on our Sass and Belle range.
No sooner is August over and it’s back to school then we start to plan for (dare I say it!) Christmas! For us, Christmas buying starts in August and we’ve some amazing items and ideas for this year- for which I’m sure we will all want to make as wonderful as possible.
Once again, we want to say thank you to everyone within our communities both locally and on Facebook/social media- we have been overwhelmed with support and we will continue working every single day to make sure we are here in another 93 years.
Have you seen the Sass & Belle Sale? Amazing gift items and stocking fillers, lots for less than £5!
Take care for now
Dales x
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